Friday, January 31, 2014

The Connection Equation

I read this article last night and thought it resonated well with what WE can do as teachers, counselors, principals, students...people.

The article written by blogger Momastery tells the story of a teacher who is making difference in her classroom by searching for students who are alone, left out, disconnected. She uses "math" by looking for patterns. I think we can all agree that 1+0= 1 and according to Three Dog Night, One is the Loneliest Number. 

A particular excerpt I that struck me was:

"It’s like taking an X-ray of a classroom to see beneath the surface of things and into the hearts of students. It is like mining for gold – the gold being those little ones who need a little help – who need adults to step in and TEACH them how to make friends, how to ask others to play, how to join a group, or how to share their gifts with others."

We do these things as teachers, counselors, principals. A lot of times this is the main reason we have chosen the field of education. We are teaching academics, but we are also teaching connections and helping those students who have a hard time doing just that. This particular teacher is in an elementary school, but the need doesn't stop with the younger kids. Our teenagers need just as much help as the 5th grade student.

The other really awesome part of our job is that we also know that our students do a really good job at this as well. Many times in between classes, in the lunch room, after school we see students reaching out to other students who may be shy or feel left out. We are often in awe at the compassion we witness. (Yes, we take note of it!)

I hope this article is a reminder to us ALL that no matter the formula, 1+1=<3.

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